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Fitness CEO

Oct 12, 2022

Your host Bryce Henson teams up with Bedros Keuilian for today’s show about the principles of magnetic marketing. Follow along as your master coaches explain how to be an effective direct-response marketer.  Gain major knowledge points on how to create your detailed avatar and nail down your dream client while learning how to create a USP.

Take your fitness franchise business to the next level with insights, tactics, and practices from Bryce and Bedros. Tune in to today's show to learn how to grow your business and retain your clients.

  • 00:35 - Your host Bryce teams up with Bedros for today’s show about the principles of magnetic marketing. 
  • 01:11 - Bedros breaks down what direct response marketing is.
  • 03:25 - Follow along as Bryce & Bedros touch on the first principle of being counterintuitive.
  • 05:45 - Bedros dives deeper into creating an avatar and how learning who your client is will allow you to speak specifically to them.
  • 11:40 - Bryce explains how to take your avatar to another level of sophistication.
  • 13:15 - Shift gears with Bryce as he taps on the next point of USP (Unique Selling Proposition) to understand why your avatar will choose you.
  • 16:00 - Bedros speaks on the ultimate transformational program and how it makes FBBC different and unique from big box gyms.
  • 20:10 - Bryce shares how the knowledge of many coaches were combined to come up with their plan and Bedros explains why it is so important to be able to back it up and deliver.
  • 22:40 - Your hosts share common mistakes for marketers and how you can avoid them.
  • 26:50 - Learn about marketing without a system and why you need good lead generation, conversion, and retention referrals. 
  • 34:24 - Follow your hosts on IG: @realbrycehenson and @bedroskeuilian.

“ Speak to them, specifically to them” - Bedros Keuilian